Sunday, July 20, 2008

Sleep: watch me fight it, mummy!

As Cara has mentioned on her blog, we presently have two small sick boys in the house.

Sick children are about as fun as a piece of surprise gravel in your breakfast cereal (ask Cara).

Along with the pleasures of sickness, Caelan has decided that lunchtime sleeps are a force to be reckoned with - and he is attempting to do some of that reckoning. He has really fought his last two lunchtime sleeps - with a victory yesterday, and a stand-off but eventual loss today.

Two-year-olds have been known to do this before. Unfortunately, the human body is not designed to operate without recharging. And when the recharge is too short, or non-existent, the results are not pretty (picture Edward Norton's demeanour and appearance towards the end of Fight Club).

Meanwhile, dad and mum (especially mum) would happily cash in some of Caelan's sleep credits. But, unfortunately, the tickets seem to be marked 'Not transferable'.

He seems to be acquiring a few 'frequent awakener' points lately, and it'd be nice to think he might start to redeem some of those soon, and give his body and his parents what they need.

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