Tuesday, July 15, 2008

My blog begs to be taken indoors!

The garage is not such a good place to write a blog entry. Cara is meeting with some friends in the house, and so I've taken a low profile in the garage for a while.

Have you ever tried using a laptop while sitting on a tall stool? Torture.

The cool night air and the strains of Libby Gore on 702 in the background probably aren't providing the necessary inspiration.

Why is it that some places are great to work in, but not so hot to write in? I love my garage workshop, but I've never tried to type in it before. Despite the excellent company of old tools (see yesterday's entry), I'm finding it hard to write.

I've never been prolific enough a writer to understand things like 'writer's bloc'. But perhaps tonight, with my freezing ears and aching legs (and my still sore, cracking fingers), I'm getting some sense of it.

For me, the cure will be simple: type up tomorrow's entry in a place that works for me! Has anyone else noted this phenomenon?

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