Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Learning to look at things differently

So many things in life seem to pass us by.

We get familiar. We get used to. And we get bored.

We forget that perhaps there might be another angle presently escaping our perception, but begging to be noticed nonetheless.

We miss these alternative angles because we often don't have the eyes to see. We're too busy looking for what we expect to see.

Children have this ability; most of us adults (unfortunately) grow out of it. We see danger; they see opportunity. We see obstacles; they see stepping stones (my neighbour was showing me tonight how he barricaded his television set away from the kids - only to find that they use the barricades to climb on so they can get to the television).

Sometimes something turned a few degrees, or on its head, or in a reflection, or through a shadow, shows a different side of itself, and becomes a new tool for exploration; a tree becomes roots, and the water its earth.

Life is filled with such moments. Relationships, conversations, transactions, disagreements - all of them beg to be viewed from other angles (perhaps richer angles?) if we would but have the eyes to see. And the courage to believe that not all is as it seems at first glance.

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