Saturday, May 24, 2008

Would you join me on the journey?

This blog's been kicking on for close to a month now, working with the principle of design. I see evidence of design everywhere I look - from computer programmes to cabbages, kids to conversations.

I've been blessed to have some great people come into my life who've helped me to appreciate the function and beauty of good design - from architects to skilled strategic conversationalists to farmers to retired grandmas.

And I think it'd be great to hear from some of them, instead of just listening to the sound of my own voice each day (I already have a hard enough time trying to make sense of the other voices in my head).

To make this a richer place to be, I'd love to haul in some other people on this blog. Whether you're a gardener, an architect, a teacher, a barista, a software dork, a consultant, a zookeeper, a bus / orchestra conductor or just someone trying to find order among the nappies (hint, hint), feel free to express your interest. (Please note this list is not exhaustive; chimney sweeps are also welcome.)

I don't know a whole lot about sharing blogs, but I think with Blogger I need to send you an invitation to blog on here, and then you respond and we get you registered as a writer here. Or something like that.

Please don't feel like you've got to pour hours into your entry; a few lines will suffice if it makes us think or laugh or cry. And please allow your mind to wander around the concept of 'design' as freely as you please.

If you're prepared to write even just one entry for this blog, drop a comment on the end of this entry, or just ping me an email (use Cara's or my work address), and we'll get it sorted. If you express interest, that's good enough for me.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I watch your (and Cara's) blog via an RSS feed on Livejournal. If I wasn't extablished there I'd take up your offer.

I remember far too well what a quiet place the blog-world was before I dragooned some of my net-pals into joining up.