Sunday, May 25, 2008

Curiosity climbed the ladder

Many thanks to those who have indicated their interest in putting their thoughts up here for our consideration. The offer remains open at all times. So if you stumble across something in three weeks' or three months' time, I'd still love to see your thoughts take form here.

In other news, Caelan and I were taken on more than a Cook's tour of the house of a good mate. He took us up the winding staircase (which punches through the ceiling of the fantabulous loungeroom) and into the giddy heights of the second-level rooms, the attic and, finally, the roof.

It was a marvellous journey, and Caelan was enraptured with the whole expedition.

This house is kind to the exploratory minds of children. What's not to love about a winding staircase, especially the first time you go up it? Who knows what lies at the end of that ladder leading up into the attic?

Curiosity is aroused; and isn't that perhaps an effect (or at least side-effect) of good design?

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